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For Hiring Managers

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TCU must adhere to several requirements in the hiring process to ensure compliance with our Affirmative Action policy and the OFCCP regulations that the university is subject to as a federal contractor. The Department of Labor requires that all applicants at the university (faculty, exempt & non-exempt staff, part-time, temps) be provided equal opportunities for consideration during the application process. 

TCU only accepts online applications and documents. You may direct applicants to Human Resources with any questions about an open position. 

If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 817-257-7790 or

Staff Hiring Procedures

Faculty Hiring Procedures

Whether filling a vacancy or a new position, use the following checklist to guide you through the hiring process.

Staff Hiring Checklist

PageUp Recruiting is a powerful talent management platform with unique capabilities to transform hiring and engagement experiences. This powerful applicant tracking system provides an exceptional recruiting experience for candidates, hiring managers, and HR professionals

Recruiting Dashboard

Why is onboarding important?

We’re here to build the TCU team. Onboarding helps create a strong sense of belonging and engagement from the very start of your time here. 

  • Helps new employees fully contribute more quickly.
  • Improves overall job satisfaction.
  • Builds a more cohesive team and raises team productivity.
  • Helps increase new employee retention.
  • Reduces high turnover costs.

What’s a supervisor’s role in onboarding?

TCU’s managers and leaders are critical for the onboarding experience and success of new employees. It’s important to remember that you are their first point of contact beyond HR’s recruiting team. What you do and how you do it sets the tone and creates a strong first impression; from showing up for their first lunch to preparing their workspace in advance. 

Your new employee will be looking to you for guidance regarding when to attend orientation, first priorities, the associates they need to meet with and more. Everyone you hire provides a unique opportunity to make a difference at TCU.

  • You should prepare and plan to onboard for the first 90 days of your new hire’s TCU experience.
  • Bring your new employee up to speed on the policies, processes, culture, key relationships, expectations, and day-to-day responsibilities of your department/unit.
  • Make new employees feel welcomed and engaged; confirm why they wanted to be a part of TCU.

Hiring Manager Onboarding Materials

A well-organized onboarding process begins at the moment of recruitment, but it doesn’t stop there. Once a candidate accepts a job offer, the onboarding continues. A great onboarding plan can help confirm that your new employee’s decision to join TCU was the right one. Most employees begin their new jobs feeling a bit anxious. By making them feel welcome and helping them understand their role and expectations, you will leave a lasting positive impression for years to come.

Here are some ways to assist your new employee through the initial adjustment period:

  1. Be there: Schedule your new employee to start work on a day/week you know you will be available (i.e., not on vacation, traveling on business, week of back-to-back meetings).
  2. Arrival: Ensure there is someone there to meet the new employee as they arrive on their first day.
  3. Work area: Have an assigned work area ready for them and a place for them to put their personal belongings.
  4. Ready for work: Ensure you have all supplies/tools/equipment (i.e., computer, email, phone, etc.) ready and working.
  5. Lunch: Make plans so the employee will not have to eat lunch alone for their first week.
  6. Notice message: Send a notice out to inform co-workers and other key people they have been hired and their job responsibilities before the new employee arrive.
  7. Introductions: Show the new employee their office/space and introduce them to co-workers.
  8. Time for training: If you plan to have a co-worker train the new employee, ensure the person has allocated time to train the new employee properly.
  9. Assign a guide: Assign the new employee to someone positive and engaged to help with their onboarding.
  10. Meaningful work: Provide the new employee with meaningful work from their first day on. It is very motivating for a new hire to have a sense of accomplishment in the first week of work.

New to TCU (N2TCU)

The PageUp Learning Management System (LMS) platform includes interactive tools for employees and managers to document and share professional development and learning goals. You’ll find a wide-range of learning activities, easily searchable by topic, date or formats (in-person or virtual classrooms). You can even upload private learning activities such as a personal development plan or books to read.

Learning Opportunities

Hiring Dates & Onboarding Calendar

The checklist below will guide you through key tasks to complete prior to your new hire’s first day. You may also want to review the list in partnership with your HR representative and other department administrative contacts.

  • Create a transition plan for the new employee and those currently handling tasks of the position - if any. Define a timeline for how each task will transfer to the new employee, who will be responsible for training, and who will communicate the plan to departments and colleagues across campus.
  • Add new employee to Outlook or Google calendars for the work group or business unit.
  • Update internal communications, distribution lists, email lists, organizational charts, and other communication channels with employee's contact info.
  • Call employee a day or two before their start date to remind them of details such as parking location, start time, and answer last minute questions.
  • Send out an announcement to welcome your new hire to the team. Consider including:
  • Name
  • Start Date
  • Job Title
  • Previous Employer or Campus Department (if internal transfer) 
  • Job Duties
  • Reporting Structure
  • New employees work email and extension, if available
  • Request procurement card, travel card, etc. if applicable to the position.
  • Order uniforms, protective equipment or TCU swag, if applicable to the position.
  • Arrange for requested workplace accommodations, if applicable.
  • Get employee's desk phone set up. Order cell phone, if applicable for the position.
  • Order employee's computer and other necessary equipment.
  • Request system access (shared drives, calendars, ID access, etc.) required for employee to perform their job.

New Employees - TCU Information Technology

Refer to the Hiring Manager Onboarding Materials folder to prepare a successful onboarding experience for new hires in your unit. To complement the process, the agenda has space to add relevant appointments beyond the new hire's HR onboarding commitments. 
  • Plan initial work assignments. Be sure the employee has the tools and information needed to complete their first assignment successfully. 
  • Order keys and security codes, if applicable for the position
  • Submit request for ID card access to appropriate buildings and spaces on campus
  • Submit request for business cards, name plate, technology at least two weeks before employee arrival
  • Ensure computer is loaded with (and/or employee has administrative privileges to install) software needed for job duties (e.g. Visio, Microsoft Access, Adobe Premiere, etc.) 
  • Prepare employee's workspace: Set up, Clean, Organize, etc.