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Human Resources


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Student employees are paid on a biweekly basis. Frog Time is used to report hours worked and is required to generate a paycheck. Talk with supervisors for deadlines for approval of your Frog Time hours.

Payroll & Holiday Calendars

Direct Deposit is Mandatory

*Enroll or maintain your direct deposit at Employee Self Service, which is also available on under the payroll tile. Verify if you have received a paycheck or if your check was direct deposited at

At the bottom of the online paycheck is Net Pay Distribution. It will note whether you were issued a check or if it was direct deposited.

Student Tax Information

During the fall and spring semesters, student employees who work on campus are exempt from FICA taxes on wages earned; however, during the summer term student employees may be subject to FICA taxes depending on a student’s enrollment status during the summer. Summer student employee FICA status verification details how a student employee’s FICA status is determined during the summer. For more information, please call our office at 817-257-7790.

*Federal regulations prohibit requiring students to receive Title IV funds via Direct Deposit; however, it is strongly suggested for all students to utilize direct deposit if they are paid through Payroll.