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By-Laws for the Constitution of the TCU Staff Assembly

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The mission of the Staff Assembly is to initiate communication among staff by providing a forum for expression and exchange of ideas and serve as an advocate for staff with administration.

The vision of the Staff Assembly is to foster a superior work environment with highly-motivated staff.


The Staff Assembly shall study, consider, and exchange ideas concerning issues affecting Staff.

The Staff Assembly shall seek, devise, and propose to the Administration, as appropriate, new programs, modifications of current programs, or solutions to problems.

The Staff Assembly shall review proposed policies and/or programs referred by the Administration.

The Staff Assembly shall provide a communication channel between Staff and the University Administration.

  1. Representation - The Staff Assembly represents all non-faculty staff employed in a regular-budgeted/grant- funded position of at least 3/4 time.
  2. Composition - One Representative shall be elected for every 20 staff members in each Chancellor’s/Vice Chancellor’s The Executive Committee has the authority to appoint, at their discretion, up to three members-at-large to the Assembly for a 2-year term of office. The Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources shall serve as a resource for the Staff Assembly.
  3. Terms of Office - Terms of office shall begin June
    1. The term of office of all Representatives shall be two years, with half of the members elected in each year. In the initial election, one-half of the Representatives shall be elected to a one-year term.
  4. Vacancies - In the event of a vacancy, the Elections Committee shall appoint a representative from the list of divisional alternates identified during the most recent election. Appointments shall be made in order of total votes received. This appointment will correspond to the elected term of the originally elected staff member. Should an alternate not be available, the Elections Committee will confirm that the level of divisional representation is equal to or greater than 80% of those originally elected. If the level of divisional representation is equal to or greater than 80%, no special election will be held. If the level of divisional representation is less than 80%, a special election will be held. This election will be administered by the Elections Committee and led by the Chair of the Elections Committee.
  5. Division Change - In the event that a representative should change Chancellor’s/Vice Chancellor’s divisions, they will remain on the Staff Assembly through the remainder of their elected term.

A. Officers

1. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Officers of the Assembly: the Chair, Chair-elect, Immediate Past Chair, Historian, Parliamentarian, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Standing Committee Chairs.

2. The Chair-elect, Secretary, and Assistant Secretary shall be elected by the Assembly at the last meeting of the year, and the term of office shall be one year. The incumbent Chair-elect shall become Chair.

a. Eligibility for Office - Any Representative who is currently serving on Staff Assembly is eligible for nomination to any office, providing there is at least one year remaining in an existing term or if they have been re-elected. If there is a break in service, at least one year must be served before the member is eligible for election to any office. If the Assembly term of the Chair-elect shall expire before the conclusion of the Chair-elect’s term of office as Chair, they shall assume the office of Chair as an ex-officio member of the Assembly.

b. Vacancies - In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chair, the Chair-elect becomes Chair, and the Assembly elects a new Chair-elect. In the event of a vacancy in the offices of Chair-elect, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary, a new Chair- elect, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary, shall be elected by the Assembly. Election of officers to fill these vacancies shall be administered by the Staff Election Committee within 30 working days of the occurrence of the vacancy.

3. Appointed Positions

a. Parliamentarian - By the first meeting the Chair shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee, appoint a Parliamentarian for the following year from among the elected members. No member may serve more than three consecutive terms in this office.

b. Historian - By the first meeting the Chair shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee, appoint a Historian for the following year from among the elected members. No member may serve more than three consecutive terms in this office.

c. Treasurer - By the first meeting of each year, the Chair shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee, appoint a Treasurer from among the elected members. No member may serve more than three consecutive terms in this office.

d. Standing Committee Chairs - By the first meeting of each year, the Chair shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee, appoint the chairs of each Standing Committee from among the elected members. No member may serve more than three consecutive terms as the chair of a Standing Committee. At the discretion of the Chair, two qualified members may serve as co-chairs of a Standing Committee.

B. Standing Committees

1. The Standing Committees of the Staff Assembly shall be as follows:

  • College Resource Committee
  • Committee on Committees
  • Community Service Committee
  • Election Committee
  • Policy and Advocacy Committee
  • Professional Development Committee          
  • Media and Communications Committee
  • Constituency Committee

2. Staff Assembly Committees shall meet as needed during the year at 3:30 p.m. unless otherwise scheduled.

3. Committees shall meet as needed with the Chair of the Staff Assembly.

C. Meetings of the Staff Assembly

  1. The Staff Assembly shall meet on the first Tuesday of each month from September to May, with the exception of January, at 3:30 p.m. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee.
  2. The Chancellor or their designee will be invited to provide reports of an appropriate interest at the regular meetings of the Staff Assembly.
  3. The Staff Assembly shall conduct its meetings according to the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
  4. No business shall be transacted at a meeting unless a quorum is present and continues to be present at the meeting. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the membership.
  5. The Staff Assembly shall be granted release time to attend Staff Assembly Meetings, including Staff Assembly committee meetings and Executive Committee meetings as required. Work schedules shall be adjusted as necessary.
  6. Staff Assembly members must discuss the Representatives’ responsibilities with their immediate supervisor.

A. Representatives’ Responsibilities

  1. Communicate with their constituencies both formally and informally.
  2. Serve on Assembly committees and attend committee meetings.
  3. Attendance Policy - If a Representative misses two meetings during the year, the Assembly secretary shall notify the incumbent and inquire as to the Representative’s intentions. Should the Representative wish to vacate the seat, the person receiving the second highest number of votes will assume the seat. If a third absence occurs, it will be assumed that the incumbent has vacated the seat. Within three (3) weeks of the third absence, a written appeal for reinstatement outlining the extenuating circumstances can be made to the Executive Committee of the Staff Assembly. Prior to the next Staff Assembly meeting, the Executive Committee will inform the Representative of its decision regarding reinstatement or replacement by the first alternate.

B. Executive Committee Responsibilities

  1. Serve as members of the Staff Assembly Executive Committee.
  2. Fulfill responsibilities as listed in the Assembly Bylaws.
  3. Meet with the Chancellor as needed.
  4. Attend meetings.
    1. Meets as an executive committee on the third Tuesday of each month.
    2. Executive Committee members may meet as deemed necessary and shall act on behalf of the Assembly on matters that, in their judgment, cannot be deferred.

C. Chair’s Responsibilities

  1. Schedule meetings of the Executive Committee and Committee Chairs during the summer to plan upcoming year’s agenda items and committee charges. These meetings shall include an orientation meeting for the Executive Committee and Committee Chairs.
  2. Plan agenda for all regularly scheduled Assembly meetings in consultation with the Executive Committee and committee chairs. 
  3. Meet with the Chair of the Faculty Senate at least once a semester and other University committees as deemed necessary.
  4. Invite TCU360 reporter to cover all the regularly scheduled Assembly meetings during the year.
  5. Oversee an annual review of the bylaws by the Executive Committee.
  6. Prepare an annual report for the final Assembly meeting of the year outlining those charges that have been successfully completed and those that are pending.
  7. Distribute the Annual Report to the Chancellor and all of the membership.
  8. Discuss and submit budget to the Chancellor for the upcoming year with assistance from the Treasurer.
  9. Represent the Staff Assembly at the opening day Faculty/Staff luncheon and other University events as deemed necessary.
  10. Represent the Staff Assembly within University Committees as appointed by the Chancellor.

D. Chair-elect’s Responsibilities

  1. Assist the Chair in planning the agenda for Staff Assembly meetings.
  2. Serve as Chair of the Staff Assembly in the absence of the Chair.
  3. Represent the Staff Assembly within University Committees as appointed by the Chancellor.

E. Immediate Past-Chairs Responsibilities

  1. Assist in the transition of new Chair of Staff Assembly.
  2. Complete the reassignment of all electronic and budget access to the new Chair and Treasurer.
  3. Represent the Staff Assembly within University Committees as appointed by the Chancellor.

F. Secretary’s Responsibilities

  1. Take minutes at all formal Assembly meetings.
  2. At least one week before the next meeting, distribute the minutes of the previous meeting to all Representatives.
  3. Take attendance and record it in the minutes.
  4. Notify representatives that have missed two meetings during the year and inquire as to the Representatives intentions per the Attendance Policy.
  5. Receive and present to the Executive Committee any member appeal to remain on the Staff Assembly after three or more absences.
  6. Distribute the agenda for any Assembly meeting or special meeting.

G. Assistant Secretary’s Responsibilities

1. The principal duty of the Assistant Secretary is to conduct the annual Staff Assembly elections in coordination with the Staff Elections Committee.

  1. Obtain an official staff list from Human Resources.
  2. Determine the number of Representatives allocated from each unit of the University.
  3. Canvas eligible staff members as to their willingness to serve on the Staff Assembly.
  4. Conduct a survey to gather staff nominations.
  5. Conduct an election for each division and, if necessary, a final, runoff ballot.
  6. Fill vacancies which may occur between elections.

2. Conduct any other elections required by the Staff Assembly.

H. Historian Responsibilities

  1. Collect, organize and update information pertaining to all Staff Assembly business throughout the year. This information should be kept in a designated common file directory accessible by all Staff Assembly Executive Committee members.
  2. Assist the Assistant Secretary/Election Committee Chair with the annual Staff Assembly elections as needed.
  3. Assist the Chair to administer any vote brought before the Staff Assembly.
  4. Serve as the technical resource to Staff Assembly as needed.

I. Parliamentarian Responsibilities

  1. Advise the Chair on matters of parliamentary procedure during any meeting as needed.
  2. Provide direction and assistance during any meeting by informing all members of appropriate parliamentary procedure.
  3. Assist the Chair to administer any vote brought before the Staff Assembly.

J. Treasurer Responsibilities

  1. Maintain all financial records and pay all bills as authorized by the Staff Assembly Chair.
  2. Present a report of the finances at any Staff Assembly meeting as requested by the Staff Assembly Chair.
  3. Review and approve all purchase requests as submitted by members of the Executive Committee, Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs.
  4. Process all invoices for payment with Staff Assembly funds. Following established business practices, forward copies of all processed invoices to the Chancellor’s office under which the Staff Assembly budget falls and is monitored.
  5. Maintain appropriate documentation regarding use of Staff Assembly funds.

K. Standing Committee Chair’s Responsibilities

  1. Lead the standing committee in accomplishing its charge.
  2. Convene regular meetings of the standing committee, and report actions back to the Executive Committee.
  3. Promptly submit all purchase requests and invoices to the Treasurer.
  4. Recommend to the Chair members who are ready for leadership roles. 

The College Resource Committee shall be responsible for coordinating programs to educate TCU employees and their dependents concerning their benefits and the processes entailed in becoming a college student.

The Committee on Committees represents the interests of the Staff in the structure, functions, and membership of the University Committees, and through the Executive Committee to nominate members for all University Committees. The committee also recommends to the Chair candidates for appointed Assembly Offices.

The Community Service Committee shall be responsible for identifying, coordinating, and promoting community outreach projects.

The Election Committee shall assist with the initiating, publicizing, conducting and tabulating of nominations and results for all necessary elections. The committee will solicit nominations for elected Assembly Offices. The chair of the Election Committee shall be the Assistant Secretary.

The Policy and Advocacy Committee shall review and make recommendations to the Assembly concerning University policies, procedures, directives, etc. especially as they relate to advocacy for TCU Staff. The committee will also be responsible for identifying and addressing additional ways to advocate for the needs of staff at TCU.

The Professional Development Committee shall be responsible for at least one workshop a semester.

The Media and Communications Committee shall be responsible for creating and maintaining the Staff Assembly website and any other media that promotes or communicates Staff Assembly activities.

The Constituency Committee shall be responsible for maintaining a list of current employees, assigning constituencies for each member, planning events that foster a sense of community for TCU staff and Staff Assembly, and for welcoming newly hired staff members.

The Staff Assembly may establish such standing and ad hoc committees as it deems appropriate. The Executive Committee shall appoint the members and the Chair shall designate the chair of any such committee. Such members and chairs shall serve during the Staff Assembly Chair’s term of office unless the committee is earlier dissolved or the Chair acts to remove a member or a committee Chair.


Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by any member of the Staff Assembly. The Staff Assembly Executive Committee shall review and present for consideration the proposed changes, with recommendations, to the Staff Assembly. At least 30 days before such vote the members of the Staff Assembly shall be notified of the proposed amendments. Proposed amendments shall become effective when approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Staff Assembly voting thereon by ballot and upon ratification by the Administration.

Approved by TCU Staff Assembly on 2/6/2018 and Ratified by Chancellor’s Cabinet on 2/13/2018.