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Professional Leadership Rotation (PLR)

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PLR provides current TCU employees an opportunity to become professional interns in a partnering campus office or department.

PLR wordmark with arrows

The PLR program is designed to provide current TCU employees the opportunity for career exploration and skill development through a professional intern placement in a partnering campus office. Participants in this program will have a holistic professional development experience that will feature 3-5 hours of work per week in a different functional area, monthly educational sessions, and guided networking and leadership opportunities. The PLR program spans from May to September and incorporates a designated three-month internship placement within that time frame.

  • No sessions scheduled at this time.

Higher Education benefits when professionals have a wide variety of skills and experiences. Exploration of other functional areas provides higher education employees the opportunity to grow their skill-sets and increase their professional capacity.

An application is required from all interested participants (details below). Selected participants will attend a placement fair to interview for positions within sponsoring campus departments. This will provide participants the opportunity to practice interview skills while also learning more about the placements available. After the placement fair, a mutual matching process will be used to assign intern placements.

All placements will include a variety of skill building opportunities that support the sponsoring department and might consist of producing a new project, managing a departmental program, offering administrative support, or attending team meetings and events.

  • PLR is open to full-time employees
  • Support from supervisor
  • Two Essays (500 word max)
    • What experiences make you a good candidate for the TCU Professional Leadership Rotation?
    • What do you hope to gain from this professional development experience?
  • Professional Resume

If matched, participants agree to attend and complete all PLR requirements:

  • Complete 3-5 intern hours a week in placement office
  • Attend monthly professional development cohort sessions
  • Submit monthly reflections throughout program
  • Complete an end-of-program reflection/presentation