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Policies & Procedures

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TCU reserves the right to modify, edit, delete, add, enhance, or otherwise revise policies and procedures as necessary, either with or without notice. To the extent any conflict between the information in this Handbook or on University websites exists, the policy listed on the TCU PolicyTech site governs. Interpretation of Human Resources policies rests with the Vice Chancellor and Chief Human Resources Officer. No part or section of the information provided in the Handbook is designed to alter the at-will employment relationship. For questions, call TCU Human Resources 817-257-7790 or email Si, habla Español. 

General Human Resources Policies & Procedures

Code of Conduct

Policy: HR 2.070 - Code of Conduct. The University is committed to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct as an integral part of its mission, the promotion of learning. The University relies on each community member's ethical behavior, honesty, integrity and good judgment. The Code of Conduct, which describes standards to guide us in our daily activities, applies to all members of the University community, including but not limited to:

  • individuals who are working for and are paid by the University, including officers, faculty and staff;
  • consultants, vendors, and contractors when they are doing business with the University;
  • trustees; and
  • individuals who perform services for the University as volunteers.

Suspected violations or concerns may be reported to:

  • your immediate supervisor, department head;
  • the University’s Ethics Officer at 817-257-6222; or
  • the Ethics & Compliance Hotline at 1-844-996- 0283 or The Hotline, managed by a third- party, NAVEX Global - EthicsPoint, assists employees in reporting. Reporters can remain anonymous if they so choose.   

Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment 

Policy: HR 2.071 - Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment. There are a number of situations under which a conflict of interest or conflict of commitment may arise. This policy addresses situations where there might be a personal interest, financial or otherwise, or the appearance of a personal interest, between a TCU employee and their obligation as an employee to the University, such that the individual's personal gain or advantage may be, or may reasonably appear to be, in opposition to the interests of the University. 

Consensual Relationships

Policy: HR 1.006 - Consensual Relationships. TCU employees are prohibited from entering into, or continuing, a consensual romantic or intimate relationship with a student or employee over whom they have organizational and/or supervisory assignment (e.g., academic, administrative, supervisory, evaluative, counseling).

Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity

Policy: HR 1.001 - Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy. Texas Christian University values Integrity, Engagement, Community, and Excellence in the workplace. TCU treats applicants and employees with fairness and respect. TCU hires and promotes individuals based on their qualifications and their commitment to making a positive impact on our student-centered community. TCU is an equal opportunity employer and follows all applicable employment laws. TCU fairly considers all qualified individuals, ensuring we are a workplace free from unlawful discrimination and harassment. 


Policy: HR 2.050 - Nepotism. TCU is committed to maintaining a workplace free from conflicts or the appearance of conflicts often associated with the employment of relatives with same or related departments (i.e., nepotism, favoritism, bias). Employment of relatives or persons in the same household is permitted at TCU, to the extent it does not directly or indirectly conflict with University policy.

Outside Employment

TCU employees may request to engage in secondary, external employment or professional activities provided these activities comply with University policy (see Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment). TCU employees’ primary work-related obligation is to the University and it is imperative there is a mutual understanding regarding the conditions under which secondary, external (outside) employment is approved. 

Personal Data/Contact Changes

The employee through Employee Self-Service,, initiates changes to address, phone numbers, emergency contacts and personal email accounts.

Human Resources Employee Files

TCU Employees may view their employee file, by appointment, in the Human Resources Office. Academic employees, faculty and some academic administrators, may view their employee files in the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Employee files are confidential and information is protected. In the event of a data breach, employees will be notified when personal data is compromised. In situations involving promotions or transfers, prospective supervisors may review current and past performance evaluations. Submit requests to