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Information Technology Policies & Procedures

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Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD)

Policy: IT - Bring Your Own Device. In response to the increasing use of personally owned computing devices (POCD) by employees for TCU business purposes, TCU has established an official bring your own device (BYOD) policy. The purpose of this policy is to define the appropriate use and procedures for using personally owned computing devices on a TCU Network.

Computer Technology Acquisitions

Policy: IT - Computer Technology Acquisitions. This policy applies to all TCU departments. The intent of the policy is to ensure that computer technology and services comply with University defined policies, procedures, support standards and security safeguards. 

Data Classification

Policy: IT - Data Classification. The University provides access to its administrative and academic data in order to facilitate the business of the University. This access, however, must be accomplished in a manner that ensures the security, confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data. All users share in this responsibility. To help facilitate this purpose, this policy describes several classifications or categories of data and then goes on to describe how each may be used and protected.

Network and Computer Usage

Policy: IT - Network and Computer Usage. TCU provides technology to help facilitate the academic, research, and administrative needs of students, faculty and staff. Technology allows you to quickly and efficiently access and exchange information, both within the TCU community and around the globe. This valuable resource is provided as a privilege, and with that privilege comes the responsibility of all users to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the mission, purposes and values of the University. It is the responsibility of every person who uses University Computing Resources to read and abide by this Network and Computer Usage Policy.