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Prepare for Emergencies

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Whether on campus, at an off-campus residence, or visiting a new area, it is important to know what you will do should an emergency arise. Advance preparation could save your life. 

Make a Plan

Plan for emergencies today, before they occur. Know how you’ll contact your friends and family and reconnect if separated. Establish a meeting place that’s familiar and easy to find. As you prepare, tailor your plans and supplies to your specific daily living needs. Discuss your needs and responsibilities and how people in the network can assist each other with communication, care of children, business, pets or specific needs like the operation of medical equipment.

When communications are available, always contact your loved ones to let them know you are safe. This reduces the calls necessary by TCU and local responders so that they can respond to those who still need assistance.

Build an Emergency Supply Kit

When disasters strike, you may be required to care for yourself for up to 72 hours before essential services are available. This means you should be equipped with enough food, water and other supplies to sustain yourself until help arrives. It is recommended to keep an emergency supply kit at home and in your vehicle in order to respond on-the- go. These kits should be checked and restocked annually to ensure batteries and perishable items are still useable.

Be Notified / Stay Informed

TCU and other emergency partners use various resources to ensure you are notified of emergencies on the TCU campus, in the Fort Worth community and outside of the local area. It is important that you take the time to understand the messages you may receive from each of these alert systems, and what you need to do to receive these services.

On Campus

The University utilizes the TCU Alert System, a mass communication program that includes phone, text and email communication, as well as indoor/outdoor loudspeakers and emergency lighting on campus to notify the Horned Frog community of an emergency or weather-related closure/delay.

Off Campus

The City of Fort Worth has an emergency alerts notification system which you can subscribe to in order to receive alerts and information for around the city. You choose the information you want, from urgent public safety alerts to community information and receive information by text or email. Visit the emergency alerts sign-up webpage to learn more. 

Outdoor Warning Sirens

The City of Fort Worth’s Office of Emergency Management manages the local Outdoor Warning System, which is designed to notify citizens to proceed to indoor shelter and seek further information on current hazards by tuning into local news outlets. The system is tested each Wednesday at 1 p.m., as weather conditions permit.

Sirens will be activated for:

  • A tornado warning issued by the National Weather Service
  • Tornado or funnel cloud reported by a reliable source
  • Sustained winds in excess of 70 mph
  • Reports of hail larger than 5 inches in diameter
  • Chemical spill emergency
  • State or national emergency declared by the governor or president
  • Other emergencies as appropriate

For more details on preparedness measures for individual hazards in the Fort Worth area, such as fire, tornado or flooding, visit the Public Safety - Frog Hazards webage.

Building Emergency Coordinator Program

To assist in emergencies, the University has established a program using Building Emergency Coordinators (BECs) that are assigned to each floor of most major buildings on campus. These BECs assist in evacuation and securing buildings during emergencies. They are identifiable by their purple vests. Visit the Building Emergency Coordinators webpage or contact the TCU Office of Emergency Management at 817-257-7771, for further information on this program.