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Emergency Storm Shelters

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In the event of severe weather, here are basic reminders when seeking shelter:

  1. Go to the lowest floor or basement level of the building you are in.
  2. Stay away from rooms with large roof spans (lecture halls, gyms, ).
  3. Stay away from areas with glass windows or glass walls (lobbies, hallways, etc.).
  4. Try to place as many walls/doors between you and the outside wall of the building you are in (interior restrooms, interior closets, small interior conference rooms, etc.).
  5. Have a flashlight or other light source (light stick, cellphone, etc. ) available.
  6. Monitor events through use of the radio, television, or internet.

Please keep the following in mind when using the below Emergency Storm Shelter list:

  1. The "seek shelter" locations (and maps) for each building are available on the Public Safety website.
  2. The list is sorted by the formal building name in alphabetical order. Please note this list may have multiple listings for building names.
  3. The list references a campus map number. The interactive campus map can be found on TCU’s website at
  4. Restricted access denotes a building that is not accessible to the general public and may require TCU authorization to swipe enter with a TCU ID card.
  5. While the majority of the campus buildings are open and accessible during business hours, please note that each building will restrict access after-hours and require TCU authorization to enter. Building operating hours are set based on a variety of factors from classroom schedules, athletic team season schedules, and business operating needs of the building.
  • Academic Buildings are accessible during business hours. Business hours may vary between academic buildings based on the classroom schedule. Please note after-hours access requires TCU authorization.
  • Administration Buildings are accessible during business hours. Business hours may vary. Please note after-hours access requires TCU authorization.
  • Athletic Buildings/Facilities operating hours vary based on season needs and schedules.
  • Brite Divinity Buildings are considered restricted access and only accessible to assigned students, residents and authorized personnel.
  • Parking garages are considered restricted access and only accessible to assigned residents and authorized personnel.
  • Residence Halls are considered restricted access and only accessible to assigned residents and authorized personnel.
  • Student Life Buildings are accessible during business hours. Business hours may vary based on operational needs. Please note after-hours access requires TCU authorization.

Please contact the Office of Emergency Management (817-257-7771) with any questions regarding Emergency Storm Shelters. For questions regarding the operating schedule of a specific building(s), please contact your supervisor.