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Hands leading with magic

Most have heard the statistic that the #1 reason employees leave their job is their manager. At TCU, it’s important to achieve a culture where every employee has a great manager. This shouldn’t be a mystery or something that happens in only a few departments. Every employee at TCU deserves to have a great manager to individually and collectively do great work.

If you manage and lead people at TCU, you know firsthand how this role has changed over the past two years. We get it! While these challenges can be exhausting, there’s a silver lining—everyone has been presented with opportunities to implement new ideas, improve our style of leading and do things differently daily on the road to success.

When campus moved to a fully-remote environment for work and academics in March 2020, very few were prepared for the impact of this move. When it dragged on beyond the few weeks most thought, leaders found themselves having to adapt to leading a team while managing their own stressors—working from home, managing household duties, living alone, caring for 

sick children (or themselves) or elderly parents, navigating tense societal issues, not to mention isolation and limited supply chains at grocery stores. With this year starting with the ongoing weight of the pandemic, it’s tempting for managers and team members to employ magical thinking that every struggle will just go away.

Since magical thinking rarely works, how about some real resources to help set a positive, motivational tone to the year? Consider attending an interactive, one-day-only engagement with expert management trainer Cecilia Gorman. Cecilia is a former advertising pro turned consultant who specializes in helping leaders in fast-paced, high-volume environments grow their skills and confidence to better communicate with and lead their team. Her virtual Manager Bootcamp serves as the backbone of TCU’s Manager Foundations class, a 6-week learning and coaching program for all managers.

Check out Cecilia’s website and access her many free resources. Then log into PageUp to sign up for one or both of the upcoming manager development programs: