Hallie Crawford, a certified career coach and author, will facilitate a career enhancement
series by offering TCU employees two educational sessions on how to help discover
greater clarity in achieving their TCU career goals:
- Identifying Your Career Values for Greater Fulfillment
- Using Professional Communication to Achieve Your Career Goals
The one-hour virtual sessions will be held on November 17 at 1 p.m. and December 15 at 11 a.m. via Zoom. Sponsored by TCU Human Resources, the event is free for TCU faculty and staff. To register, log in to my.tcu.edu, select Employee Center, select Training & Professional Dev. then choose your activity from the learning library. Select a time slot and book.
Crawford returns to TCU after presenting career-specific topics to recent graduates and alumni through the TCU Alumni Relations office. Her professional portfolio extends beyond career coaching with over 21 years of experience at a national level. Her company, Create Your Career Path, is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. She is regularly featured in the media (Forbes, CNN, Money magazine, WSJ) and has undergraduate and graduate degrees from Vanderbilt University and the University of Illinois. Her website is halliecrawford.com.
For more information, contact HREvents@tcu.edu.