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Human Resources is thrilled to announce the expansion of Frog Time, the advanced timekeeping system currently used with student employees and temporary workers, to include all hourly employees this fall. This transition from paper timekeeping to a digital solution marks a significant step forward in ensuring accurate and efficient payroll processes for everyone. 

Frog Time has already proven its value, allowing users to swipe in through convenient wall kiosks across campus or log in via the web application. This system has simplified timekeeping, making it quick and easy for student employees to accurately enter, update, and approve their hours worked. We are excited to extend these benefits to all hourly employees, ensuring consistency and ease of use across the board. 

Frog Time will eliminate paper timesheets, simplifying time entry for employees and reducing administrative time associated with the approval process for managers and supervisors. Switching to Frog Time also ensures TCU employees will be paid accurately for all time worked, including overtime and alternate shifts. The system automatically calculates hours, minimizing the risk of errors and discrepancies.  

The system provides multiple ways to clock time, allowing flexibility to use the method that best suits one’s workflow and location on campus: 

  • Kiosks: Strategically placed across campus, these kiosks provide a straightforward swipe-in method. TCU’s interactive map will be updated with a location filter for kiosks. Locations were determined by departments when Frog Time first went live for students and temporary employees. To reevaluate the location or add a kiosk, contact Jenny Dick ( to initiate a conversation and learn more about the process. 
  • Computers: Employees can log in and record their hours directly from any computer. 
  • Electronic Devices: Frog Time's web application can be accessed using a phone or tablet, making timekeeping accessible anywhere, anytime. 

Transitioning to a new system can be daunting. Human Resources will provide the support needed to make this change as seamless as possible. Mandatory training for all managers will equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively use Frog Time and assist their teams. Optional training sessions and resources will be available for hourly employees. This will include videos and other on-demand resources to familiarize people with the system’s features and functionalities. Visit the TCU Frog Time page to see what’s already available. 

In the near future, several departments on campus will pilot a limited rollout. An official go-live date for all hourly employees will be set for later this Fall after evaluating the pilot rollouts. 

Frog Time will enhance TCU’s timekeeping processes, bringing consistency, accuracy, and convenience throughout campus. Stay tuned for more updates and training schedules as Frog Time is rolled out to all hourly employees.