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Texas Christian University is committed to fostering a culture promoting ethical conduct and requires compliance with all applicable law, regulations and policies.

Compliance officers reside within various departments, working to manage the vast array of activities in which the university engages, many of which have legal obligations and policy responsibilities. These officers stand ready to assist faculty, staff, and students whether you have question, want to report a potential concern, or need clarification on a compliance matter. Please use the following link to review the list of Compliance officers.

Ethics & Compliance Hotline

To report compliance concerns and complaints anonymously, please call the confidential Ethics & Compliance Hotline at 1-844-996-0283 or make a report online.

University Online Compliance Training Program

TCU Online Compliance Training Program. TCU employees play a key role in helping maintain the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct in an environment free from discrimination and harassment. All employees are required to complete annual on-line compliance training related to workplace conduct, conflicts of interest, diversity, inclusion and belonging, Title IX, the Clery Act, FERPA, cybersecurity and data privacy.